Tuesday, October 25, 2011

It's Been 11 Whole Years Now!

In June Mike and I celebrated our 11th Anniversary!  WOW!!!!  That seems like quite a long time to put up with one person doesn't it?  I'm talking about me putting up with him.  I'm an angel and he knows it!  Really, I am.  Sometimes.....  At least once in a while.....  Ok, he pretty much puts up with me and just grins and bears it most of the time, but I get better as we go along. 
This year we went to Scottsdale and did pretty much nothing but eat and sit by the pool.  It was the best little break.  A little bit of alone time for us is just about all either of us wanted.  Life just seems to get crazier and busier every year.  There are so many things we are all involved in that we rarely get to spend a full day together, much less three!
So, in 11 years we have had 4 children.  We have moved only 5 times.  I thought that was pretty good.  Built 2 homes, and barely kept from killing each other in the process.   Mike has had 2 jobs.  We have had 7 different vehicles.  (I have still never had a "family wagon.")  1 quad, which I made Mike get rid of when he broke his collar bone.   We have only been brave enough to have 1 pet.  A tortoise, which I lost in the yard.  We never found poor Peanut alive. 
We have had a grand total of 875 arguments!  Ya, I keep track.  I have to keep a tally of how many I win and he loses!  Doesn't everybody do that?
Seriously though, we do like eachother a lot.  I love him and I'm pretty sure he still loves me.  Sometimes it will depend on the day you ask him though.  We love hanging out together.  He's pretty shy so we don't do the hang out in a group thing too often.  I'm working on him though.  We both love movies.  We both hate scary movies.  The last one we saw he closed his eyes more than I did!  We both love taking vacations.  We both like basketball.  He kicks my toosh.  He was a wrestler and he still kicks my toosh.  We get in bed every night and visit about the day.  I think that's important.  We both love his job.  It makes him happy, so it makes me happy.   We laugh a lot.  Usually at all the "blond" things I do.  I think I was born with the wrong color of hair.  He's pretty paient with me.
  He loves to have his feet and head rubbed, and I don't like people to touch my feet or my head.  I love to read and he hasn't read a book in years.  He loves his truck and I want a mini van.  He likes to just take a break when he's mad and I like to get it all out.  I love winter and he really doesn't.  I like to run, and I am trying to get him to love it.  He loves to wrestle and it's just not my thing.  He doesn't care though.  I have no choice in the matter.  I like to throw my dirty clothes in the hamper.  He likes to throw his right next to it. 
So, for us it works.  Lots of differences and lots of things that are the same, but in the end I still wouldn't trade him in.  He's pretty much what keeps me going, keeps me happy and keeps me in line.  I think we go pretty good together.

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