Carter turned 6 on July 30th. We celebrated a day early because Katlyn, Gavin and I were going to be gone the next day. He was very excited for his little party!
Cinnamon Rolls as usual which we all love. He waited patiently all day for that cinnamon goodness!
Oh the presents! This was the best part! Carter says the best present was getting new legos. If you know Carter you have seen his lego creations. They are pretty dang good. He can build pretty much anything with them. He has a whole bunch of the bigger ones and we decided it was time to get him the smaller ones. After all he is 6 now. He loves them! He also got bendaroos, a clip-board to put his drawing paper Katlyn gave him on, stickers, a nerf gun set from Grandma and Grandpa Papa, 2 swords, a $.99 kite that we played with all night, $6 from Grandma & Grandpa Robinson & $20 from Nana & Papa! He made out like a bandit!
A close-up of one of the party guests....
Transformers was the theme once again, and Katlyn did a great job decorating the table. Pizza and Cinnamon Rolls.... Can't get any better than that! Happy Birthday Carterbug! We LOVE LOVE LOVE you! You are so kind and sweet. Always willing to share. You give great hugs and are a great cleaner. You tell Dad and I you love us every day. You have a tender heart and I adore that quality in you. I can't believe we've already been together for 6 years! Can't wait for the rest to come!
happy birthday CARTER!
Oh I just love that Carter he is such a doll. Happy Birthday Carter a little late sorry.
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