Wednesday, August 19, 2009

AHHHH...... A schedule!

I don't know about anyone else out there, but I am soooo glad to have a little bit of a SCHEDULE back! I feel like my life has a little rythmn now. Summer is so up and down and all around that I feel somewhat relieved when school starts. Don't get me wrong, I love summer but there's just something about knowing what SOME of my days will bring.....
4:15- Tell Mike I love him with 1 eye open. Yes, 1 eye. That is WAY too early for me.
5:45- Gavin is yellin' at me telling me it's time to wake-up! He gets an early breakfast.
6:30- It's up up up for Katlyn. She hates it, but it's good for her. Gage joins her for breakfast.
7:00- Carter usually comes rolling in with his eyes half open. I dont' know how he'll do next year
Then it's lunch and hair and teeth and beds and rooms, and getting Katlyn to school by 8. Which we have done every day. So far!
8:15- We go for our daily walk. I love this part of the day. Love being outside. Then it's home and cleaning. I'm not in love with cleaning, but I'm kinda grouchy when my house is a mess so it gets done.
11:30- Carter goes to school. Gage lays down, and Gavin goes for a nap. That's why I'm blogging right now. It's quiet!
3:00- The kidos get home from school. Katlyn always gets her homework done at school. (smarty pants) So, we just hang out for a while and get dinner ready.
5:30- Dad is home!!!!!!!! Thank heavens dad is home! (Unless it's Tues. and then he has class so we don't see him until 9:30! Poor guy!) Then it's dinner and clean up.
6:30- Baths baths baths! Lots of bathing and jammies, but it's getting closer to bedtime!
8:00- Bedtime! books, scriptures and prayers and they are out! All but Katlyn! She finishes a book almost every night! I might have to ground her from reading! It's bedtime for Mike and I too. I'm getting too old to stay awake late. I last about 5 min. into my book and it's lights out.

We squeeze in meetings and appts. and scouts and school, but for the most part this is our boring life. I'm boring. I know. I have never been one to always want something to do and somewhere to go. I love the days when I just get to stay at home. If you drop by my house on most days I will be in my workout clothes all day long unless I have somewhere to go that I need to look decent for. I wish sometimes that I would be more go go go because I do feel very unacomplished at times. I wish I had the ambition! I would LOVE to finish school but that will have to wait until Gavin is a little older. I should have finished a long time ago! Again, ambition! I hope that my children will be smarter than I am and finish school while they are young. Anyway, I'm rambling!


Kylie said...

i love a schedule too- and heck i don't even have any kids. (i am jealous you get to go walking in the morning.) and who doesn't love work-out clothes, they are as comfortable as pajamas but much more presentable :}

Kylie said...

heck- i even wear work-out clothes when i don't even work out!

Melis said...

I wish I lived closer to you so I could walk with you! It's hard without a workout partner! I'm enjoying a schedule too, but when family is in town it's still tough. They're all gone now, so I can get an actual schedule down. I love how you listed yours up. It sounds similar to how I like mine to go! And...I've never seen one thing out of place in your house! You are amazing!

Hatch-Hathcock Bunch said...

Dang I miss you and your family. I'll tell ya you really look complete with number four. You guys look so perfect!!! Life is so much better with a schedule! I would die without one :)

I use poker chips for my tokens cause they are different colors and the kids can't take one out of someone elses jar. They have no idea what they are and if they figure it out I don't care anyway. ha ha

Love ya always,

melinda said...

Yeah, I have to admit the schedule is nice! Amazing how simalar(almost excactly) mine is;)

grandma kathleen said...

You sound very ACCOMPLISHED to me-- with all you do with and for your beautiful family.

Jennifer and Jason said...

I totally love having a schedule. I can't wait to have Jason back and have some kind of better schedule back like "normal" people lol.. You have the cutest little family, I love your blog!!

Courtney Curt said...

What do mean feeling "unaccomplished at times"? That's quite a schedule, 4 kids! Pretty impressive :) They are too cute by the way. Boy do I feel lazy thinking about my "schedule". 10:00 Jake nap. 2:00 Jake nap. 6:00 dinner. :)

Woodside's said...

I am so much like that too...were I love being home most days but sometimes don't feel very accomplished! I just remind myself that the most important thing is being home with my boy! I could not imagine taking him to someone else everyday to take care of him. I love being a stay-at-home-mom.

britney said...

I seriously wish I could have a set schedule every day. It would make life so much easier! But just remember that raising kids in life is your job, and that is a huge accomplishment. So although you may not see it now, you are doing the biggest & greatest job of all! Keep it up, looks like you are doing fantastic!