Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Cookies & Walks to the Temple

Today, Carter & I decided to make some cookies while Gage was taking a nap. We mixed it all up and I turned the oven on. After we had the cookies ready to put into the oven I opened it up to shove them in and this is what I found melted to the rack in the oven! It used to be part of a workbench that the boys have upstairs. Gage has been calling it a pizza lately, and so I am assuming that he was the culprit. Little Tird!!!! Besides a stinky house for a few minutes everything turned out well.
When I left the kitchen to get something upstairs, this is what I came back to. Carter was stealing all the cookie dough. He loves the stuff! Chocolate Chip cookies are one of the sweet things that he will eat, and vanilla ice cream. (only vanilla)
We enjoyed the cookies. When I say we I mean mostly me. (And I wonder why my walking every day does not good.) When Katlyn came home from school we decided to take a walk to the temple to see the waterfalls. Gage and I walk by them every day and he wanted the others to see them too. Of course the wind was blowing. What would Snowflake be without the wind? It was pretty fun though. I feel guilty that we live within walking distance and I don't take them there as often as I should.
I was somewhat quietly telling them not to run and not to climb on the rocks the whole time, but it was fun.
I told them that they had to fold their arms while we were by the doors, and so this is Carter folding his arms while he's running up and down the stairs. Almost reverent counts doesn't it? I am so grateful that we live so close to the temple, but I am the first to say that I still don't go enough. I just hope that being there gives my kids the kind of peace that it gives me. I pray that they will all three live their lives in a way that will enable them to be inside someday. I always get so frustrated with myself, because it's days like these that make me feel so good about being a mom, but I just don't do things like this enough. Hopefully I will do better!


Rylee said...

What a fun day! And don't feel guilty I can tell you are a great mom, your kids seem so happy!!

Rachel and kids said...

So do you have a fire extinquisher in your kitchen yet?!!! Kids do the craziest things! You are a great Mom and I think taking them for a walk around the temple is way more that a lot of moms even think of doing so you are still way ahead of the game girl!! Don't be so hard on yourself! love ya

TJ Eich said...

Give yourself some credit! You are an amazing, patient mom! What a fun day!

Teresa :) said...

Hey Leslie, I love the melted bench it really makes me feel better that other peoples kids do stuff like that too! haha ps you look awesome for eating all those cookies I need your secrets! :)