Sunday, September 13, 2009

AnD yOu'Re GoNe AgAiN****

We had a Saturday filled with swimming and fun with family. A full 24 hours of family togetherness. I had my hopes that the weekend would go by without your absence, but it wasn't to be. A phone call thirty minutes ago and you are gone again. I will miss you Mike. Miss you helping the kids get ready for church for now we will surely be late. Miss you taking a rest after church with me. Miss you teasing us all because that's what you do on Sundays. I will miss you. I will try not to groan about it. Come home soon! I LOVE YOU!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

It was so good to see you this weekend Leslie! Next time you are down I need you to go shopping with me and help me look half as cute as you!