Things Gavin is doing at 16 weeks.....
*Smiling, Smiling, Smiling
*Loves to suck on his fingers!
*Rolls onto his back from his tummy
*Loves to buck out of his bouncy chair
*Finally takes a 2 hour nap during the day
*Sleeps for at least 5 hours at a time at night (his mom loves this one!)
*Can balance big and tall with dad holding onto his feet
*Is ready for size 2 diapers. The last few blowouts have not been fun.
*Loves bathtime
*talks and talks
Seriously, I can't get enough of this little man. I am having a hard time with how fast time is going by, but I'm doing my best to take it all in and I'm loving every minute of it!
Wow! it is so crazy how he looks so much like carter but so much like gage too!!! so dang cute!!!
Hi! He is so stinking cute! Thanks for your comment about the temple. I'll take you up on the offer sometime. my # is 245-0685, so you don't think some crazy person is calling you :)
He is so flipping adorable!! I love his little chubs. What a smiley sweet boy. He is making me baby hungry! WHERE IS MINE?? ha ha
He is such a cute little guy!! I love the little smile.
He's so cute!
Gavin is growing so fast. Won't be long till he is staying at Grandma's with the other kids. We are so looking forward to having our first Grandpa picnic with him. Love Colleen
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