Mike has become a fan of the Killers and so we dance & sing. A LOT!
We've had a few problems with Carter's bike. One tire was just a total pain in the rear and kept going flat. Sooooo, I went to town and Mike got to work on a solution and when I got back, tada.....!!!!! Introducing our new "Frankenstein Bike." It consists of 1 of Carter's wheels on Katlyn's old bike. (Which had bigger wheels as you can see.) The handlebars also came from Carter's bike. This baby even has 1 pink pedal and 1 green and the best white spray paint job Mike offers. I say it's an accident waiting to happen but the rest of the fam says it's perfect. I guess we shall see.
Lately we have been up to absolutely nothing fantastic at all but I have captured a few moments that I want to remember forever and always........SPY KID.....
Finally a haircut, and oh how handsome he is!
He just wants to be like dad. I love it!
This doesn't happen enough so it makes my day when it does.
Pink Floyd shirt and a smile to light up the room.