Friday, May 15, 2009

I'm still here........somewhat!!!!!

I have totally slacked off in my blogging the last few weeks! I have a lot to blog about too. Katlyn's math bee. Carters luau. Gavin. Gage. A lot. But right now I barely have the time and energy to sit down and type this. Mike has been working an overhaul for the past 5 6 7 weeks. I don't even know anymore. I lost track! (It feels like it's been 5 mos.!) He leaves at 4a.m and gets home anywhere between 7:30 and sometimes after 9. He also works weekends. He gets a day off every 14 days. It STINKS!!!!!!! I give huge props to all of the single moms out there because it's not easy. Just the security of having him here every night in case I needed him was such a luxury!!!! I can't complain a whole bunch because he has a great job and the overtime is wonderful! I just want my husband back!!!!! Stay tuned and I will do a large post.


Angela said...

AMEN! Why didn't we enjoy our "luxury"? Hats down to all the single moms, because I feel like one and atleast mine comes home. You have two more kids in the house too. What's my deal? Well it was good talking today, see ya tomorrow!

Andrew + Kylie said...

Andrew was gone for 2 nights and i thought i was just going to die. i just don't know how other people do it. and heck i don't even have any kids!!!!!! Hope a little vacation is on the way soon :} Hey leslie - when you are down, if you want us to we would love to watch little baby Gavin while you and Mike just went out!