Monday, February 16, 2009


I'm 27 now and I feel like I'm still 20. It's hard for my mother to believe that her baby is almost 30 now! Hard for her to believe that it was 27 years ago February 12th that she and my dad left 4 little girls with my Granny and headed to the hospital hoping that this time their record in sex of children would change. My dad told all the family that if it was a boy they would call and if it was a girl..... A few short hours later I was ready to make my appearance and the doctor was no where to be found, and so the sweet little nurse took charge and delivered me. I think, I hope that my parents were still excited that I had come. 5 girls is a lot for one set of parents to handle! I was a horrible baby, almost pushing my poor mom over the edge. As soon as my dad walked in the door from work every day she plopped me into his arms and took off on a LONG walk. I'm sure that there were so many times later throughout my life that she wished she could do the same thing.
I had an amazing childhood, and have very few bad memories! My best friend Holly lived next door and so I had nothing to complain about. I don't think that my parents did either, until that fated day that I became a TEENAGER. Let's just say that I was not an easy teenager. Those of you that knew me way back then can attest to that! But, we got through it, and now many years and lots of drama later I am a grown-up with 4 children of my own. Lifes lessons have not always been that easy. Of course all those lessons came from choices that I myself made, but all of those good and bad times have lead me to this place in my life when I am the happiest that I have ever been. Sure there are lots of material things that I would LOVE to have. I am not anywhere near the place that I need to be spiritualy in my life, but I'm working on it and know without a doubt that the gospel is what makes me happy. I do love my husband, and my sometimes naughty children. (Thanks to all of you for making me feel better about them and me! Except you John, but I have learned to love you anyway!) Life could be easier, but then my days wouldn't be so memorable. I hope to make my 27th year of life a really great one!


melinda said...

Your such a cool 27 year old! And you have such a sweet family and have so many accomplishments behind you. What a great life and just think of what all is left to come! Oh and 27 isn't almost 30. 29.5 is almost 30. Thanks for the reminder;)

PS I'm still waiting for your birthday lunch--I'll give you some days to get better though;)

Holly West said...


I love your blog...I could spend hours reading it and looking at it. Reading your blog about being 27 brought tears to my eyes as I remembered and reflected on life. (plus I'm nine months pregnant and very emotional - haha) But I look up to you so much and just wanted you to know that! 27...We are getting old, but you have to admit that we have had some great years! Love ya Les! Holly (Slade) West

Jace and Cadence said...

Happy Birthday! We are getting old to FAST! hope you had a great Day!

Jennifer said...

HAPPY Be-lated B-day! Remember when 30 was old! Actually...I remember when 20 was old!

I hope your birthday was great! You're kids are so cute...especially that sweet little baby!